Pick-up or SUV? Although both vehicles have merits in the overland market, a simple canopy and rooftop-tent installation is a tough thing to beat in terms of space, convenience and payload capacity.
However, there are some limitations to this setup, especially if you want more room to stand up and move around.
Generally speaking, it is at this point that pick-up owners find themselves faced with one of three options:
1) Buy a low-cost daily driver and convert your pick-up into a dedicated camper… or
2) Stick with what you’ve got, and invest in a secondary ground tent as a living / changing room, or…
3) Buy a high-cost off-road trailer
The problem with all of these solutions is that they’re either expensive, space-dependent (you now need parking for two vehicles or a trailer) or they nullify the benefits of owning a pick-up and rooftop tent in the first place – convenience, space, mobility, and not being overly-restricted in how and where you travel.
But, what if there were a fourth, relatively-unknown option that only rental vehicles and a few custom rigs are taking advantage of?